As an experienced copyright attorney, Mr. Spore protects a client's original composition and creation from unauthorized and unlawful usage.  The field within which Copyright Law lands is Intellectual Property Law, and falls into many different practice areas, property law, internet law, and trademark law, and fields, such as music, writing of books, magazines, blogs, and the fine arts.

The essential three elements to be able to secure copyright protection, one would need to know (a) that which is to be protected must be a work of authorship; (b) it must be original; and (c) it must be fixed in a tangible meaning of expression.

One need not register his or her copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office.  However, registrations does provide with decisive benefits.  Registration is necessary if you wish to :

  • record security interests in copyrights;
  • ask U.S. Customs to block infringing goods from being imported into the country;
  • benefit from the rebuttable presumption that all facts stated in the registration certificate, including ownership, are true;
  • be elligible for statutory damages and potentially attorney''s fees.  

 Mr. Spore will assist you in your copyright needs.

Intellectual Property Law Journal publication by John Spore, published 1992 thru peer review with Harwood Academic Publishers in Melbourne, Tokyo, Paris, Philadelphia, Chur & Reading.