Vital to nearly all business entities and personal matters is the role which is played by contracts.  John Spore is experienced and well-versed in all types of contracts, oral, written, implied, express and will provide you with advice from one who is experienced in doing so, and in many different fields of endeavor.  If you want agreements and contracts which will hold up if challenged, and should you require assistance in writing, defending or challenging a contract, John Spore is committed to advocating on your behalf.

      When constructing contracts between your business or yourself and others, Mr. Spore will consider every detail and every possibility to protect you against dispute and risks, and has assisted and will assist in the review and or construction of the following types of contracts/agreements;

*Licensing Agreements- International & Domestic;

*Real Estate Purchase Agreements;


*Employer/Employee Agreements;

*Buy/Sell Agreements;

*Partnership Agreements;

*Joint Venture Agreements;

*Construction Contracts;

*Commercial Lease Disputes;

*Restrictive Covenant Violations;

*Non-compete Violations;

*License Agreement Violations;

*Internal Separation Agreements;

      Allow John Spore to protect your business and your personal interests by drafting, enforcing and defending your contracts.  Contact our office to set up a consultation with Mr. Spore at 419-872-6808, and we will review your case.